08 Jun Moving from Ignorance to Knowledge

Can I tell you a personal story about my yoga practice this past week?
If you’ve been reading my newsletter or blog, it likely comes as no surprise I’ve undertaken a deep dive into anti-racism self-development. As I practice yoga—study myself—I’m working to develop and integrate an anti-racist point of view into my perspective and how I show up in the world.
This past week I’ve realized that who I thought I was, a compassionate, non-judgmental person, has been rooted in a deep denial of injustice I knew, but didn’t truly feel, that affects people of color every day of their lives.
The hard truth is, I’ve been able to falsely see myself as a compassionate, non-judgmental person in the bubble of mostly white, spiritual people I have chosen to float in. I’ve fostered a huge blind spot in avoiding the discomfort of racism by avoiding the conversation.
A core tenant of yoga is moving from ignorance (avidya) into the light of true knowledge (samadhi). One obstacle to overcome on this journey is avoidance (dvesa). Luckily, the tools to face avoidance are part of the practice itself.
I can’t go on being ignorant and silent. I can’t un-know what I now know, can’t ignore what I’ve opened my heart and mind to see. My world has changed. My understanding of myself has been put to question. It has felt overwhelming, because I know I must be completely changed by this work.
This past week I’ve been relying heavily on restorative yoga, somatic sensing, and pranayama (breathwork). These tools have help me get centered, grounded, and energized enough to completely rearrange my understanding of the world and my place in it. To be honest, this isn’t the first time I’ve been through this. And it certainly won’t be the last. The layers of my ignorance just keep going, and I just keep peeling away.
Whatever you’ve been going through in 2020, I’m sure it hasn’t been all butterflies and rainbows. If you need to get centered, grounded, and energized, you’re invited to Yoga Refuge this coming Saturday night. My teaching partner Kelly and I host this Restorative Yoga, Reiki Energy Work, and Yoga Nidra event monthly on Second Saturdays. More details are in the Weekly Schedule below.
If you prefer a private practice, let’s chat. I’d love to hear from you how you’re feeling and what you need. In my world, there’s always a tool of practice to support you. If you’re interested, please fill out this form for a free consultation. I’ll be in touch with you soon.
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