It can be interesting to learn about different systems of classifying the world and our human experience in it. I'd like to share with you a yogic foundation.You might already be familiar with the yoga philosophy, or it might remind you of philosophy or religion...

Last week I mentioned the eight limbs of yoga found in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. This week I want to introduce them to you. Let’s dive right in. The Eight Limbs of Yoga: A Very Brief Introduction   1. Yamas : External abstentions, or precepts to follow to be a...

“…It is with their muscles that humans most easily obtain knowledge of the divine.” -Aldous Huxley as quoted by Barbara Ehrenreich in her book Dancing in the Streets, A History of Collective Joy   Although both Huxley and Ehrenreich are talking about ritual, collective dance in the quote above, it’s...

I’ve been contemplating attachment this week. There are about one million ways to use this word and they mean a million different things. Here’s the gist of my train of thought… What is it about attachment? Attachment to people, to things, to the way relationships should go....

Looney Toons Tasmanian Devil - property of Warner Bros.   Focus on the areas you can control, and set the rest aside for now.  What does this mean to you? For me, it means taking life in bite size pieces. Taking the time to settle myself at the eye...

Everyone has their own reasons for practicing yoga. Some people do it to feel more spacious in their bodies, others because it helps them relax, some because it’s the only time they take to themselves in the week. I think many people can agree that part...

Image by Egor Kamelev Who’s had this experience? You know you shouldn’t be doing something, but there’s this urge to do it anyway. Maybe you know, YOU KNOW, that arguing back is going to get you nowhere, yet there’s this unseeable force that’s on the brink of...