Photo by Johannes Plenio I’ve been thinking lately about where I’ve come from and where the world is headed. How much my daily life and expectations have changed, how I’m grateful for those changes even though I can’t really imagine the outcome yet, and how painful...

“If you want a golden rule that fits everybody, this is it: Have no thing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” William Morris Hi Friends, I woke up the other day, opened my eyes to see the familiar artwork that...

To be part of the change we wish to see in the world, we have to shift the way we think, speak, and create. Let yourself be completely changed by the work of yoga and your new understandings.    Can I tell you a personal story about my yoga practice this past...

I’m Quinn and I grew up in the south. Southeast Texas, to be exact, in a small town called Orange right on the border of Louisiana. ⁠ ⁠ Sometimes people ask why I don’t have an accent (even though sometimes I kinda do). For some reason I...

Have you ever broken up with somebody or had a falling out with a friend and thought "But now who am I? What is it I even enjoy? Do I have any passions of my own?" ⁠ ⁠ Most of my life I've had the habit of...

Instead of going out we're staying in, and who is it that we find there? Do we wear the same masks at home that we wear in public? What parts of our personality fade away when there are fewer people to impress or avoid? ⁠ ⁠ In...