Things have been intense in my world recently. And the more I reach out to friends, the more I hear that it’s been intense in others’ worlds, too. Intense in a specific way. Relationship intense. Whether it’s your relationship with your partner or your boss or the person...

In this modern age, our bodies aren’t all that great at adapting to our environment. Let machines do your work for you! (I'm only being somewhat sarcastic.) Hear me out. Technology minimizes the amount of work one must physically do to get a result. For your convenience, reduce energy...

I run into people all the time who really don’t like yoga. When I ask why, the reason is often because they don’t get the workout they’re looking for from the class, and it got me thinking… Yoga isn’t your workout. It’s a different thing. The...

Photo by Johannes Plenio I’ve been thinking lately about where I’ve come from and where the world is headed. How much my daily life and expectations have changed, how I’m grateful for those changes even though I can’t really imagine the outcome yet, and how painful...

A series of short YouTube videos with simple exercises & practices to give yourself a feel-good break and relieve some of life's daily aches, pains, and troubles. A little bit of self-care can go a long way. Click on what you need below to see for yourself. Feet and Toes ...

Think about what your priorities are today. What about for this week? Name three things to yourself that are on that list. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Whatever comes to mind. Answer this: Three of my priorities are: 1. 2. 3. Did an item that counts as taking care...

  There's a lengthy yoga philosophy note below. If you enjoy the practice, especially if you don't know much about yoga as a whole, I hope you take the time to read through. Here we go! In the yoga philosophy, all beings are more than their bodies and...

  Hello anxiety, my old friend. Here we are, we meet again. You know, sometimes there’s a reason for it. Something going on in my life or the world that causes that familiar buzzing feeling in my body. Sometimes there’s no explanation, it’s just a physical sensation. It’s...

  The first step in any creative process is becoming aware. Without knowing what we’re working with, how will we create? Without knowing where we are, how will we get to where we want to be? We must start with whatever is right here and now, whatever is...

  Some people are in bodies that can move and flow, bend and fold without much ado. Other folks have injuries, aches, and pains that must be worked with. I’m more like a crazy inflatable arm guy selling cheap tires on the side of the freeway. We...